About Us
TMRG manages a leading online market research community comprised of millions of Internet and mobile consumers from around the globe. TMRG compiles member Internet usage information and survey results together with information from millions of other Internet research panel members to create research reports on Internet trends and e-commerce activities. These results are regularly quoted by leading news organizations such as MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fox News, etc.
The information collected from TMRG’s research panels provides analyses on commercial trends that help a wide variety of companies decide how to (i) modify their online services and offerings; (ii) make more effective use of online data to understand both online and offline consumer behavior; and (iii) discern general economic trends and the business performance of companies.
In accordance with industry standards, TMRG vigorously protects the anonymity and privacy of our panelists. Further, we ensure that all members have provided explicit consent to join our panel for the purpose of participating in market research. TMRG does not provide personally identifiable information (PII) about panelists to our clients, and we do not deliver, or facilitate the delivery of, advertising messages to panelists.
Why Market Research?
While consumers do not directly invent or develop improvements to a particular product or service, market research gives them a voice in how products or services appear in final form – be it is a service offered by a financial institution, or an item on the shelf at a local grocery store.
Ultimately, information gathered through TMRG’s market research panels provides a roadmap to help companies provide products and services that better meet the needs of consumers. Research also allows companies to better spend their advertising budget to reach the targeted customer most effectively. Both consumers and industry wins when market research is applied intelligently.