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What is TMRG?
What is the purpose of TMRG?
What are the eligibility requirements to join the TMRG research community?
How do I join the TMRG research community?
What if I have any Questions, Comments and/or Problems?
My company is interested in using TMRG to conduct market research. Who should I contact?
Who is responsible the privacy and security of my personal information?

What is TMRG?

TMRG is an organization dedicated to managing a leading market research community comprised of millions of Internet and mobile consumers from around the globe.

What is the purpose of TMRG?

Our goal is to help companies understand trends and patterns online and on the mobile Internet. Just as the television industry uses rating services to determine which are the most watched programs — and to affect the programs and advertisements that are shown — the Internet community relies on services like TMRG to understand the likes and dislikes of Internet users and hence make informed business decisions.

What are the eligibility requirements to join the TMRG research community?

  • Be at least 18 years of age and capable of entering into a binding agreement.
  • Review the membership agreement and consent to participate in the TMRG community.
  • Own or control any computer or mobile device that you allow to be configured for participation in the TMRG community.
  • You agree to inform those individuals with access to the computer or mobile device on which the software is being installed that you have agreed to join TMRG, and obtain explicit consent from those individuals to be a part of the panel and to be subject to the panel membership agreement.

How do I join the TMRG research community?

Please visit one of our community sites to learn more about our research panel and become a member.

What if I have any Questions, Comments and/or Problems?

If you have any questions, comments or problems of any kind, including technical issues you feel are related to TMRG, please notify us through one of the following e-mail addresses.

Privacy Issues, click here

Technical Problems, click here

Please Note: TMRG’s commitment to quality customer service is a high priority. We will make every commercially viable effort to respond to your questions or comments within the same business day. If a personalized response to a detailed question is needed, TMRG will strive to respond to your questions or comments within 48 hours.

TMRG will not be able to respond to your questions without a valid e-mail address. We will not use your e-mail address for any other purpose other than responding to your question.

My company is interested in using TMRG to conduct market research. Who should I contact?

TMRG is a service of Comscore, Inc., a leading Internet ratings system that provides insight into consumer behavior and attitudes. For assistance with your market research needs, please complete Comscore’s Information Request form and someone will contact you shortly.

Who is responsible the privacy and security of my personal information?

For more information about who is responsible for the privacy and security of your personal information and about our privacy program, please visit
